


认为. 使. 点燃. That's how esball国际平台客户端 approaches education and drives innovation inside and outside of the classroom.

esball国际平台客户端点燃促进学生之间的合作, 教师, 工作人员, 校友和社区领袖鼓励批判性思维, hands-on learning and open-ended problem-solving in interdisciplinary fields. Learn more about our mission, programming and the facilities and capabilities available.


The innovation process begins from within — as ideas and thoughts we encourage you to fully realize and flesh out. 在点燃, 开始探索你的想法, think about the problems and opportunities that lie ahead of you and collaborate across disciplines to uncover innovative solutions to pressing problems. 在构思阶段, 点燃's programming and facilities foster creative thinking and influence boundary-pushing results.


位于B.H. Snell Hall Room 238, the Studio is where imagination, creation and innovation unfold. 工作室 is outfitted with materials for rapid prototyping and team collaboration, cultivating a one-of-a-kind creative space that every student can use to experiment, 发明和合作.


We believe that the tales and lessons told by people immersed in an industry or field of study, 通常带着个人观点来传授, 影响创新解决方案. 通过点燃系列演讲, 学生有机会与主题专家见面, 聆听他们的生活故事,了解相关的行业问题, 增长和趋势. 我们鼓励学生参与进来, including thinking proactively about how they might contribute to these pressing issues.


The 点燃播客 brings in alumni and community leaders to talk about world issues that are of interest to the campus community. The podcast provides insight into developing technologies to topics on how students can network within their career path.


创新超越了创意. esball国际平台客户端点燃 encourages you to bring your ideas to fruition by providing you with the resources and state-of-the-art facilities needed to do so.


Located on the first floor of the Schuler Educational Resources Center (ERC), 多夫创客空间是一个动手的中心, 创建物理. 设计, 创建, 用最先进的设备制作你的创意原型, 比如3D打印机, 乙烯基热压机, 玻璃熔合和焊接站, 缝纫机和绣花机, 激光雕刻机和更多!

The space is free for students to use (after taking a quick safety training). 使r Mentors are readily available during the 使rspace’s open hours to assist with learning about the equipment and utilizing the space for research, 项目, 制造和更多推动创新的追求. Workshops additionally highlight the resources available in a more structured way.


就像创客空间是用于实体创作一样, 媒体制作中心专注于数字内容创作, providing the resources needed for students and 工作人员 to 创建 and edit photos, 视频, 音乐, 播客和其他形式的数字媒体. 媒体制作中心 is housed on the second floor of the Educational Resources Center (ERC) with equipment for producing and editing visual content, 音频内容和视频记录.

Growing up in western New York, I knew I wanted to innovate and make the world a better place. At Clarkson, I’ve been able to explore my passions and take them to new levels. Choosing to attend Clarkson is a decision I would make again in a heartbeat.

Miles company '24,工学学士 & 管理


创新过程的第三步是点燃. 将你的创意应用到现实世界中,点燃它们. 我们相信学生可以成为领导者, solve real-world problems and capitalize on the opportunities presented to them. 把你的想法和创作带到下一步, 将它们发展成为具有增长潜力的成熟业务.

The Cube:企业孵化器项目

The Cube是esball国际平台客户端的学生创业孵化器项目. 学生在立方体会见我们的工作人员每周为基础, where they gain professional help and guidance as they work towards their business goals. 我们的Cube学生也可以获得受监管的自由裁量基金, 点火拨款, 外部商业计划、竞赛赞助等等! 任何学生都可以申请进入Cube, 会员资格持续一年, 之后你可以重新申请. Pitches to enter or re-enter the program are held one time each semester.


Pitch your business idea at the North Country Regional Business Plan Competition hosted every spring by esball国际平台客户端点燃. 作为纽约州10个地区比赛之一, the competition is open to any business that is majority-owned by students attending a college or university in the North Country region. Cash prizes are awarded to the top three teams in each business category, 每场比赛的前两名有资格进入州际比赛. 


每年, Clarkson's president chooses a real-world issue or opportunity and challenges the Clarkson community to 创建 something to address it. 这就开始了我们所说的总统挑战, 整个秋季学期对所有学生开放. Students are encouraged to form cross-disciplinary teams with their peers to complete the challenge. 头名队伍将获得大奖!

Past challenges included utilizing the Internet of Things to improve the community, identifying a solution targeted toward improving public health and creating a giant Rube Goldberg Machine to help the president shoot a hockey puck on ice and score a winning goal!

在每种情况下, students develop a prototype or compelling conceptual design to demonstrate their idea and how it could be applied to address the issue at hand.



点燃相信协作, 实践教育应该对所有学生开放, and we reward scholars who take initiative and demonstrate great potential. 点燃 extends two full-tuition scholarship opportunities to innovative thinkers, 创客,年轻的企业家和创新者.

esball国际平台客户端寻找想要创新的学生, 要有创造力,并通过他们所做的一切点燃激情. We seek students with minds that will challenge every way we do things while intuitively knowing there is a better way.

The 点燃社长奖学金 is a merit-based scholarship awarded to 10 incoming students every year. Recipients receive full-tuition coverage for up to eight semesters of their undergraduate study.


The 青年创新者和企业家计划 empowers up to five incoming students who have their own business or commercializable idea to achieve their entrepreneurial vision and goals. Eligible students can apply to attend Clarkson tuition-free for up to eight semesters of undergraduate study in exchange for 10 percent equity in their business.

作为项目的一部分, 学生每周或每两周与我们的点燃专业人员会面, 根据他们的个人需要, in order to ensure they are working towards their business goals and to receive assistance and support.

应用, 学生必须提交申请, 其中包括他们完成的商业计划, 一个90秒或更短的视频,回答“我是谁”这个问题, 在我的工作之外?以及对他们业务的简要描述.



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